Average cost of a round trip train or bus TICKET to cities & villages of Dear Ones that have yet to hear The Name Jesus.
ONE AUDIO BIBLE for every Dear One who wants it. Also used for Leader Training, Communication and Discipleship.
One Hour of LANGUAGE TUTORING for a Dear One...Preparing to...Go! Some rescued and redeemed are called to...GO...to the most persecuted regions in China & East Asia to tell those without a voice who have never heard about Jesus.

Gotta Go seeks out the forgotten who are on the streets, coming out of prison, and trapped in sex and labor slavery, offering them the Gospel in deed and Word.
Each man, woman and child has a horrific story of pain and survival. Many Elderly and those with mental and physical challenges were abandoned and require long-term care. Others can transition into an independent life. And many survivors are transformed and help lead others out of bondage and into the arms of our loving Savior, Jesus.

Many of the redeemed return to their villages and communities to share their testimony and the Gospel with the very people who once sold or abandoned them.
Revival is often the result of this remarkable love and forgiveness. Gotta Go helps identify and train leaders for these new churches and provides ongoing training and support.

As these rescued Dear Ones are redeemed and heal, some become missionaries to their families, villages and beyond. Gotta Go heavily invests in helping these once forgotten now reach some of the most challenging unreached areas in China and other East Asian regions.